Wednesday, November 21, 2012

Three Weeks til my Marine comes home!

          Wow. It has been a very crazy and stressful ten weeks. I feel like the time has gone so slowly, that  frozen molasses was passing me by. I have written I believe 30 letters and can't believe that in three weeks I'll be in California getting ready to see my baby the next day. I'm so proud of him. Words can't describe how lucky I am to be with someone as selfless and thoughtful and willing to sacrifice himself to make me happy, as Christian. He has given everything for me. I've never been more grateful for anyone in my life, more than my husband. He truly is the one thing I am most grateful for during this time of Thanksgiving.
          Don't get me wrong! I love my family and the few friends who I still manage to stay close with, but overall...Christian takes the cake gets the gold and the girl. ;) Other things that have definitely given me reason to be thankful are: emails, phone calls, texts, and Skype. Letter writing is fun and all, but let's face it...out of the thirty odd letters I've sent him...he's received maybe...twenty of them. In his letter I received today whilst at dads house he said he had just gotten two letters which I know I wrote three weeks ago and sent two Mondays ago at least. Which means not only is it taking my letters over a week or two to get processed and finally given to him, but the few precious letters I have received from him, are very out dated and arrive to me in two days stating that he received the letter from two weeks previous, that night. At this rate I shouldn't send him anymore letters at all until the end of boot camp. Maybe he will actually get the rest of them, by then. Which of course makes me frustrated and puts me in a good mood when I at least get a letter that day, and then angry and irritated the rest of the day at the incompetence of the people who receive the letters and send them through the screening process...which heaven forbid, takes a week at the least... poor postal workers.
            But I mean am I right? I mean were it not for phone calls, instant email access via the phone in my pocket, texting and Skype any thought of him being gone longer than this three month period would send me into a spiraling mess and I'd have to resort to sitting in a corner staring off into the distance and rocking back and forth singing an out of tune version of the itsy bitsy spider. Until the week of his arrival, of course, in which I would take a much needed shower, stuff myself with food, get all the laundry and cleaning done and then be ready to go when he gets home. Which would be a daunting task considering by that time we will have a son and I won't get to break down and rock myself in a corner.
              Speaking of the little bugger, pictures! He doesn't look like an alien anymore and yes it is a he. I figured as much considering he kicks like a soccer player, and his appetite is pretty straight forward. He eats/digests anything unless he isn't in a good mood...or otherwise occupied...then he doesn't like me eating at all. Very strong minded and stubborn like his daddy, but strong and healthy. I can't complain. As long as he has all ten fingers and all ten toes in the right spots, and he has two eyes, a nose, a mouth and ears in the right spots we are doing good. Healthy liver, heart, kidneys, stomach, bladder...etc are bonus's which I'm also very grateful for.
              And for some reason it isn't letting me download the pictures of him onto the blog...sad. :( Well, maybe it will let me later when I save and reload the page...nope. Oh well.
                Speaking of Thanksgiving I get to spend it down in San Diego, California with dad and the family....not even thirty miles away from Christian *sigh*. I can't believe it's been a year and month since I've been engaged, and five months being married. Time has flown by, it seems like it hasn't been that long since Christian and I were married, or even the two solid years it's been since we've been friends. Has it really been two years? Oh yes it has...I was friends with him until we started dating on April fourth of 2010. And then Married him June 22nd, 2012. And get to have our baby boy this new year. :)
                Well, computer is having technical difficulties so I'll be posting this now instead of later.

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