Monday, August 27, 2012

Married life: our first three months

Being married has been quite the ride. I'll tell ya. From being forced to move from my house to an apartment while still on my honeymoon...that's rough. Then with work being tough and times being hard as they always like to be we have noticed that me being pregnant and sick is costing us. We've had our ups and downs but it's been a scary new experience.
Then with some recent news and Christian being out of work, due to salary shortages in the company, caused a great deal of distress as we struggled to know what to do. After a few days of hard thought and contemplation Christian and I figured it would be best to have him get into a career...the marines. The overall thought is daunting, moving around the country after Christian graduates boot camp with a brand new baby is just one of the daunting tasks. Dealing with him being gone is another strenuous mountain to climb.
I am definitely grateful to have support. Without both of our families trying to help us out and our relatives guiding us through the military lifestyle, we would have more struggles than either of us could handle.
One thing that keeps both of us same, though it's mostly Christian, is the thought that he is sacrificing his time and life for our baby. He has worked harder than anyone I know and I've never seen him fall and not get back up. He is so determined to bust his butt to prove that he is worthy of me or our baby that I've watched his whole dedication to the marines be fueled by us. Sometimes I see flashes where he's freaked out. Whether by things in the past that come up and ruined our lives, or by the thought of losing me when he is gone to boot camp.
All I know is I love him more than anything, and I am trying my hardest to be my best for him.